漂島 70cm x 95cm 水墨紙本
Floating Island 70cm x 95 cm Ink and wash on paper
In the long journey of life, in our search for our own visual location, a brief visual status is formed. In other words, these visual imageries provide a platform for viewers to pause, move around, and to select from, as they correlate to some similar personal visual imageries.
家的樣子 52cm x70cm 水墨紙本
The Shape of Home 52cm x 70cm Ink and wash on paper
Countless shapes and forms of mountains are seen on my way home. They float through my eyes in fragments while the Puyuma train rushes onward. Distance is the beginning of our reunion, as well as the reason for our separation. I piece together the shape of my vision, and transform my internal and external noises into a quiet, self-healing reflection.
關係 52cm x43.5cm 水墨紙本
Relations 52cm x 43.5cm Ink and wash on paper
Commonly-seen hills and forests in eastern Hualien. The structure of the thicket and the barely-seen relationship between the branches and the trunks never fails to fascinate me. Like the complex relationship between what’s on the surface and what’s underneath the currents in personal relationships, it may seem so normal but remains so intriguing. And we sometimes just leave it hanging, unresolved. In fact, the truth about relationship is that you can never fully tell what it is.
相同的時候 40x66cm 水墨紙本
At The Same Time 39.5x65.5cm Ink and wash on paper
The trees shaking of the uncertainty, and waiting for the same moment.To become a seeming ideal and beautiful homogeneity.
最初 45x 68.5 cm 水墨紙本
Beginning 45x68.5cm Ink and wash on paper
Returning to the most basic, beginning form of an object; we seek for its primal appearance while watching and observing.
小湖面 70 x48cm 水墨紙本
A Small Lake 70 x 48cm Ink and wash on paper
A façade formed by accident; it only thinks it hides secrets well.
彼與此 35.5x70cm 水墨紙本
Here and There 35.5x70cm Ink and wash on paper
Is it drifting away like clouds, or gradually approaching like an island? Here lies its ambiguity.
凝視遊走 124x249cm 水墨紙本
Gazing and Wandering 124x249cm Ink and wash on paper
Tremendous yet quiet and miniscule yet restless have always been ironic and conflicting characteristics. This reflection upon my anxiety for my situation in life through natural scenes, have also been an emotional burden and question I’ve had for so many years.
< 待續 To Be Continue >